The South African Local Government Association (SALGA) has reached a collective agreement with several trade unions representing public servants in the country. The agreement covers wages, working hours, and other important employment terms for the year 2019.

One of the main points of the agreement is a 7% wage increase for all employees in the public sector. This increase will apply to employees across the board, including those in the municipalities, water and sanitation, and waste management sectors. Additionally, there will be a 1% increase to the housing allowance for all employees.

The agreement also addresses the issue of working hours for employees. The current agreement outlines that public servants work 40 hours per week, with some exception for certain sectors. However, employees in the waste management sector will now be entitled to a 45-hour work week, with overtime pay for any additional hours worked.

Another important aspect of the agreement is the provision of a risk allowance for employees in the water and sanitation sector. This allowance is intended to compensate workers for the additional risks associated with their work, such as exposure to hazardous chemicals.

The collective agreement also outlines several provisions for leave time. Employees will receive 18 days of annual leave, an additional 5 days of family responsibility leave, and up to 5 days of sick leave per year.

Overall, the 2019 SALGA collective agreement aims to improve working conditions for public servants in South Africa. The agreement addresses several key issues that have been raised by trade unions, including wage increases, working hours, and risk allowances. These changes are expected to have a positive impact on the lives of employees in the public sector, and will likely lead to increased productivity and job satisfaction.

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